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Tzolkin calendar… mayan wisdom.

Tzolkin calendar kankabal villas.png

The classical Tzolkin Calendar is one of the most important Mayan calendars for modern people to understand, it is the oldest of all Mayan Calendars and it’s referred to as the Master Calendar, all of the other Mayan calendars are synchronized to it.

The Tzolkin Calendar: You cannot hang it on your wall, or carry it around as a day planner, it is not a physical object carved in stone.

Symbols from the Tzolkin are carved into the stonework of the ancient Mayan pyramids and stelea (sculpted stone monuments) but there is not one singular carving that you could call a calendar, per se.

The Mayans used books (made from tree bark) formed with accordion style folding leaves, as an on-going record keeping system of the time energies’ ebb and flow, called a "Codex." All of these books were burned or destroyed during the Spanish conquest, led by Cortez and Catholic bishops, 1519 AD.

Only four of these Ancient Mayan books are known to exist today.

The Tzolkin describes the Moving Creation energies through cycles within cycles, based on a 13:20 ratio that permeates the entire Mayan calendric system.

The Mayan also used the calendar for their sacred personal journey. It is both a master calendar providing a unifying pattern for all creation and the hub of the Mayan calendar system.

For illustration purposes, the 2D graphic below shows what the Tzolkin would look like visually as well as how it functions, as a round-within-a-round... a wheel-within-a-wheel.

The Tzolkin, is the hub of all the Mayan calendars which serves to connect and clarify what the true Mayan Calendar actually is. Without taking the Tzolkin into consideration, the Mayan calendar becomes a set of numbers disconnected from profound deeper meaning.

The Tzolk’in calendar is based on a system of twenty named day signs, combined with thirteen numbers to produce 260 unique days (13x20=260). Despite popular convention declaring that the start of the Tzolk'in is 1 imix, there is in fact no "beginning" and no "end" to the Tzolk’in. It is an eternal, cyclical calendar which is not related to or dependent upon astronomical cycles, "end dates", or any other linear phenomena or concepts.

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